IN 47448
Contact Matthew for details, or go online at to register. Some scholorship money available from t
The Archdiocesan Senior Retreat is for anyone in his/her senior year of High School. Our target groups are those who are home-schooled or attend public school as they may not have the opportunity to attend a parochial school-sponsored retreat; yet, the retreat is open to any interested senior.
The Goals of the retreat are to explore the following:
1. What is the WAY that I am living my life?
2. What is the TRUTH about my relationship with Christ?
3. How will I live out the rest of my LIFE?
On Friday, February 12, 2016, upon arrival* at 6:30 pm you will check in at Rancho Framasa. You will then take your belongings to your assigned room and return for Mass. Mass will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. Families and Youth Ministers of the participants are encouraged to stay to celebrate Mass. At 8:30 pm the Retreat will begin with departure of families and Youth Ministers.
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 3:00 pm the Retreat will close.
he youth group.